Constitution of Syndesmos


Article 1 - Name
1/ The name of the organization is Syndesmos, The World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth. In other languages the translation of the name is decided by the Board of Administration. In practice the name "Syndesmos" shall be used in all languages.

Article 2 - Aim, Objectives and Functions
1/ Syndesmos is an international fellowship of Orthodox Christian youth movements, organizations and theological schools serving the Church and Her unity, witness, mission and renewal for the life of the world.

2/ The objectives of Syndesmos are:

a/ To serve as a bond of unity among Orthodox youth movements, organisations and theological schools around the world, promoting a consciousness of the catholicity of the Orthodox faith.

b/ To foster relations, coordination and mutual aid among them.

c/ To promote among young people a full understanding of the Orthodox faith and the mission of the Church in the contemporary world, and an active participation of youth in ecclesial life.

d/ To promote a way of life founded in eucharistic communion, in the Gospel, and in patristic teaching, for witness and service to the world.

e/ To assist and promote Orthodox efforts for visible Christian unity and for positive relations with people of other faiths.

f/ To encourage reflection and action on issues affecting the lives of  Orthodox Christians and the local churches.

g/ To be an instrument for furthering cooperation and deeper communion between the Orthodox Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.

3/ To achieve the objectives, the functions of Syndesmos include:

a/ The convocation of meetings to study and discuss specific themes.

b/ The organization of festivals, camps and exchanges of Orthodox youth.

c/ The facilitation of training and educational programmes for Orthodox youth.

d/ The publication of theological and educational periodicals and other materials relevant to the objectives of Syndesmos.

e/ The running of an Orthodox press and information service.

f/ The administration of an Orthodox Youth Fund to promote Orthodox youth work in accordance with the objectives of Syndesmos.

Article 3 - Headquarters
1/ The legal and administrative headquarters of Syndesmos is the General Secretariat, the location of which is decided by the Board of Administration.

Article 4 - Recognition and Duration
1/ The ecclesial recognition of Syndesmos is constituted by the blessing of the local Orthodox Churches.

2/ By decision of the Board of Administration, the organization may also be registered by the State authorities in the country of its headquarters and those of other offices.

3/ The President and Board of Administration are legally responsible for Syndesmos, in accordance with the laws of the country of the headquarters.

4/ Syndesmos may be dissolved by unanimous decision of the General Assembly.

5/ In the case of dissolution of Syndesmos, the General Assembly shall decide on the disposal of Syndesmos assets.

Article 5 - Assets
1/ The income of Syndesmos shall consist of:

a/ The membership fees.

b/ Donations, contributions, grants and legacies made by legal entities and persons.

c/ Income from the investments of Syndesmos.

d/ Income from economic activities of Syndesmos in accordance with the objectives of Syndesmos and State laws.

e/ Other property and goods received in accordance with State laws.

2/ Donations or legacies may take the form of property, revenue or rights of any description. All donations shall be registered by the General Secretariat of Syndesmos.

3/ All assets may be managed and disposed of according to the decision of the Board and in accordance with the present constitution.

4/ The Board has the right to refuse any donation or legacy, if it is contrary to the aim and objectives of Syndesmos.

5/ In the case of dissolution of Syndesmos, the General Assembly shall decide on the disposal of SYNDESMOS assets.


Article 6 - Categories of Syndesmos Membership
1/ Syndesmos is composed of organized Orthodox Christian groups whose membership is blessed by their local Bishop and who belong to one, or more, of the following categories:

a/ Orthodox youth movements and youth groups in which young people are actively involved.

b/ Student bodies, or in the case of their absence, the faculties, of institutions of Orthodox higher theological education.

c/ Other Orthodox organizations.

2/ Members of Syndesmos may be Affiliated, Federated or Associated.

3/ A Member must be able to prove that its principal aim is to serve the Orthodox Church by the promotion of Orthodox Church life and Christian witness among its members, and in accordance with the aim and objectives of Syndesmos.

Article 7 - Affiliated, Federated, Associated Membership
1/ Affiliated membership may be granted to applying members which:

a/ conform with the requirements of Article 6.1 a or b.

b/ give evidence of continued activity and strength for at least three years preceding the application for membership.

c/ are of more than local (parish) significance.

d/ are willing to participate in and support the life of the Fellowship.

2/ Federated membership may be granted to applying members of the Oriental Orthodox Churches which comply with the conditions for Affiliated Membership.

3/ Associated membership may be granted to applying members that conform to one of the following situations:

a/ have already passed the initial stages of development and the importance of their work is of more than local significance even though, in the judgement of the General Assembly, they have not yet fulfilled all the requirements for affiliation or federation.

b/ want to be an associate member even though they  fulfil the requirements for affiliation or federation.

c/ are organizations whose aim and objectives correspond with that of Syndesmos, although they are not primarily youth organizations.

d/ are a coordination committee of national Orthodox youth movements and organizations or study centres.

e/ are a separate body within an organization which has affiliated or federated membership of Syndesmos.

Article 8 - Application, Suspension and Termination of Membership
1/ Written applications for membership must be formally communicated to the Syndesmos General Secretariat together with the written blessing of the local Orthodox Bishop at least six months before the following General Assembly.

2/ Upon receipt of an application for membership the Secretary-General should where possible arrange for a representative of Syndesmos to visit the applicant member, gather information, prepare a report on the applicant and submit it to the Board of Administration.

3/ Groups which fulfil the criteria for membership in principle may, by decision of the Board of Administration, be called "Applying Members," and benefit from the rights of membership pending the decision of the General Assembly.

4/ The determination of affiliation, federation or association of an applying members to Syndesmos is decided by the General Assembly upon recommendation by the Board of Administration, and following the presentation of the applicant's representatives at the Assembly. Membership is activated immediately after voting.

5/ Membership may be suspended by unanimous decision of the entire Board of Administration until the next General Assembly, if a member ceases to fulfil conditions for membership. In this case the member in question shall have six months to respond and present its case to the Board before the decision is validated.

6/ Following the recommendation by the Board of Administration, the General Assembly shall have the right to make new decisions concerning the membership of members whose situation has changed.

7/ Membership may be terminated by a 2/3 majority decision of the General Assembly, following the recommendation by the Board of Administration.

8/ Changes in name, leadership, or headquarters of a member must be notified in writing to the General Secretariat.

9/ All members must contribute a proportion of the annual budget of the General Secretariat of Syndesmos. The annual membership fee is fixed by the Board of Administration. Alternative arrangements to membership fees may be decided by the Board of Administration.

10/ Groups which conform to the requirements for membership of Syndesmos but which are part of an existing affiliated or federated member of Syndesmos must have the written agreement of the existing member's governing body before an application for associated membership is made. Only one level of the same organization can become an affiliated or federated member or members of Syndesmos, unless they are autonomous diocesan or inter-diocesan structures. Affiliated members which do not comply with their annual membership fees obligations for two consecutive years shall automatically become Associated members on 1st January of the next year. The General Secretariat shall proceed to the revision of the list of Member Movements.


Article 9 - The Government of Syndesmos
1/ Syndesmos is governed by the following bodies:

a) The General Assembly

b) The Board of Administration

c) The Executive Committee

d) The Audit Committee

Article 10 - The General Assembly
1/ Name and Function:

a/ The highest authoritative statutory organ of Syndesmos is the General Assembly.

b/ The functions of the General Assembly are:

i/ To further the aim of Syndesmos through the assessment of the Board and the evaluation of the work accomplished.

ii/ To make recommendations and define priorities to the Board of Administration on policy and programme, and to adopt a general budget.

iii/ To elect the governing bodies and Audit Committee.

iv/ To take action on new applications for membership of Syndesmos and to make new decisions concerning members whose situations have changed.

v/ To consider and act upon proposed changes in the Constitution and Bylaws.

vi/ To deal with matters referred to the General Assembly by the members or by other bodies.

2/ Composition:

a/ The composition of the General Assembly includes:

i/ the officially designated representatives of each Affiliated, Federated and Associated member of Syndesmos.

ii/ the members of the governing bodies and Auditors.

iii) Guests and observers invited by the Board of Administration.

b/ The Board of Administration decides on the number of delegates each member may send to the General Assembly, and notifies the members at the time of invitation. Every member shall enjoy equal voting rights according to its membership category. No voting delegates shall have more than one vote.

c/ All delegates of members shall have the right to participate in discussion during the General Assembly. Only delegates of affiliated and federated members shall have the right to propose and to nominate.

d/ Only delegates of Affiliated members judged by the Board of Administration as complying with Articles 8.9 and 16.3 shall have the right to vote.

e/ Each delegate shall bring to the General Assembly a duly validated credential form prepared by the General Secretariat.

f/ Theological schools shall have at least half of their delegations made up of students.

3/ Frequency, Agenda, Quorum:

a/ The General Assembly shall meet at least every four years.

b/ The invitations extended by the Board shall be sent to all members at least six months before the Assembly.

c/ The agenda of the General Assembly is decided by the Board together with the Secretary-General.

d/ The quorum of the General Assembly is fulfilled if one half of the voting members are represented. The quorum of the General Assembly is 50% plus 1 of the affiliated members who have settled their annual financial contribution to Syndesmos before the General Assembly, as complying with articles 8.9 and 16.3.

e/ Decisions of the General Assembly are made by a simple majority of the voting delegates present, unless otherwise stated in this constitution.

f/ One third of the aggregate of Affiliated and Federated Syndesmos members may convene an Extraordinary General Assembly by extending invitations to all the Members and informing the Board of Administration and Secretary-General.

g/ An Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened by the Board of Administration.

4/ Functions of Search Committee and Elections:

a/ At an early session of the General Assembly the Board of Administration shall invite the delegates to meet in geographic regions fixed by the Board of Administration, taking into consideration the will of each member.

b/ The President shall ask voting delegates in each region to elect by secret ballot one member of the Search Committee to identify  candidates for the governing bodies of Syndesmos. The members of the search committee shall not be candidates for election. The Search Committee shall include representatives of both Affiliated and Federated members, the Board of Administration having the right to propose one person in case of the need to ensure balance. As soon as elected, the Search Committee shall proceed with its task.

c/ A non-voting Moderator of the Search Committee is selected by the retiring Board of Administration.

d/ Nominations for the positions of candidates for the governing bodies shall be made in writing by members and delegates of members of Syndesmos and given to the Chairman of the Search Committee after the election of new members and no later than the day before the presentation of the proposal of the Search Committee.

e/ The complete list of all nominations shall be communicated to all delegates no later than the session before presentation of the proposal of the Search Committee.

f/ The Search Committee shall study carefully all the nominations and prepare a proposal for at least one name for each of the positions of the governing bodies and Auditors to be presented to the General Assembly.

g/ In making its choice, the Search Committee shall bear in mind the necessity to ensure continuity and competence, and the need to represent various regions, Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox, young people, men and women in all the governing bodies. The members of the Board who form the Executive Committee shall come from different regions. In considering nominations for Board Members, the search committee shall give strong consideration to candidates who show involvement in panorthodox youth activities. Prior experience with international Syndesmos events shall be considered an advantage.

h/ The proposal for the governing bodies and Auditors shall be presented by the Moderator of the Search Committee to the General Assembly no later than the first session of the day before the last full day of the Assembly.

i/ One secret (written) vote shall be taken to approve or eliminate the candidate or candidates in each of the following categories:

i/ The President

ii/ The Vice-President

iii/ The Regional Representatives

iv/ The Representative of the Federated Members

v/ The Auditors.

j/ The election of the non-voting Representative of the Federated Members shall be made separately by their delegates, according to the same principles as in the elections of other candidates.

k/ Each voting delegate shall approve or eliminate candidates for each position and the candidate receiving a simple majority of the votes at that General Assembly shall be considered elected.

l/ In the event that no candidate for a position is approved, the Search Committee should immediately meet and present an alternative candidate from the existing list of nominations. The election procedure is then repeated until a candidate is approved.

Article 11 - The Board of Administration
1/ Name and Function:

a/ The Board of Administration is the governing body of the fellowship between Assemblies whose purpose is to serve and promote the aim and objectives of the organization. In practice the word "Board" may be used.

b/ The Board is legally, materially and spiritually accountable for all aspects of Syndesmos. The signature of the President engages the legal responsibility of Syndesmos. In practice this may be delegated to the Secretary-General and other members of the Board.

c/ The Board approves general actions and programmes and ensures that they are initiated in accordance with the decisions and priorities stated by the General Assembly.

d/ The Board is responsible for the evaluation of the activities of Syndesmos.

e/ The Board approves the annual budget of Syndesmos submitted by the Executive Committee, and participates in fund raising.

f/ The Board recruits, appoints, supports and evaluates the Secretary-General and other staff on the basis of need, and decides the location of the General Secretariat.

g/ The Board approves a replacement of any of its members who resigns or who is unable to fulfil his or her duties, taking into account the internal balance of the Board, and with a 2/3 majority of all the Board members.  In the case of Regional Representatives, the replacement must be from the same region and made in consultation with members from that region. The President may be replaced by the Vice-President.

h/ The Board makes recommendations to the General Assembly about applications for membership, and may accept applying members.

i/ The Board has the right to suspend membership until the next General Assembly in extraordinary circumstances and by unanimous decision of the total membership of the Board.

j/ Members of the Board represent Syndesmos to the Churches and other organizations.

k/ The Board may establish advisory committees and working groups to support its work.

l/ The Board may adopt written guidelines to support areas of the work of Syndesmos.

m/ The Board shall act as a steering committee in the General Assembly.

n/ Between General Assemblies, the Board is the final arbitrator of an eventual conflict in Syndesmos.

2/ Composition:

a/ The Board consists of the following voluntary Orthodox Christian members:

i/ The President.

ii/ One Vice-President.

iii/ One Regional Representative for each Region,

and the following voluntary Oriental Orthodox Christian members:

iv/ One representative of the Federated Members.

b/ The Secretary-General shall be present at all Board meetings, but may not vote.

c/ All members of the Board are elected by the General Assembly.

d/ Board members may not serve more than three terms.

e/ At least one third of the Board must be renewed at each General Assembly.

f/ The Board may invite observers according to need.

g/ The term of office of the Board shall be from the end of the General Assembly  at which they were elected until the end of the next General Assembly.

3/ Frequency, Agenda, Quorum:

a/ The Board meets whenever needed, and at least once a year between General Assemblies.

b/ The dates of meeting, the location and the agenda are agreed by the Executive Committee and notified to the Board no later than one month before the meeting.

c/ Extraordinary meetings can be called by the President or a majority of all Board members. In this case, all of the Board must be notified no later than one month before the meeting.

d/ Only the members of the Board specified in Article 11.2.a. i, ii, and iii shall have the right to vote.

e/ A quorum is established with a simple majority of all voting members.

f/ Decisions of the Board are made by simple majority vote of voting members present, unless otherwise stated in this constitution.

g/ The practical arrangements for the Board meetings are made by the General Secretariat.

Article 12 - The Executive Committee
1/ Name and Function:

a/ The Executive Committee is the executive organ of Syndesmos.

b/ The Executive Committee plans and together with the staff, implements the decisions of the General Assembly and the Board.

c/ The Executive Committee together with the staff prepares and presents the annual budget for approval by the Board.

d/ The Executive Committee together with the staff prepares regular reports to the Board and the General Assembly.

2/ Composition:

The Executive Committee consists of the following members:

a/ The President.

b/ The Vice-President.

c/ The Secretary-General must be present at all Executive Committee meetings, but may not vote.

3/ Frequency, Agenda, Quorum:

a/ The Executive Committee meets whenever needed and at least once a year.

b/ The dates of meeting and the agenda are agreed by the Executive Committee no later than one month before the meeting.

c/ Extraordinary meetings can be called by the President or by a simple majority of its members. In this case, all the members of the Executive Committee must be notified no later than one month before the meeting.

d/ A quorum is established with a simple majority of all voting members.

e/ Decisions of the Executive Committee are made by simple majority of the total voting members.

Article 13 - The Audit Committee
1/ At least one of the Auditors elected by the General Assembly will be a certified public accountant.

2/ The Board may employ an internal auditor who refers to the Board and submits a copy of his work to the Auditors.


Article 14 - The Staff and Secretariat
1/ Name and Function:

a/ The Secretary-General, together with the Board and Executive Committee, plans and implements the programme of Syndesmos and implements the decisions of the General Assembly.

b/ The Secretary-General is the director of the General Secretariat

c/ The Secretary-General supervises the other staff and offices of Syndesmos.

d/ The Secretary-General, together with the President and Board, determines the need to employ one or more Assistant Secretaries.

e/ The Secretary-General solicits involvement and active participation in all the work of Syndesmos.

2/ Appointment and Conditions:

a/ The Secretary-General is selected by the Board of Administration after an open selection process.

b/ The Secretary-General must be employed no later than six months after the General Assembly, and the term of employment may normally continue to six months after the following General Assembly.

c/ The Secretary-General is employed under appropriate conditions and terms of the State of the General Secretariat.

Article 15 - Local and Regional Cooperation
1/ The Secretary-General together with the President and in close consultation with the Regional Representative and members in that region establishes and supervises the work of local correspondents and their offices, to promote local unity and cooperation and help implement the work of Syndesmos.

2/ In countries and regions where there are members of Syndesmos, these members may form a local " Syndesmos Committee" to promote local unity and cooperation and to promote the objectives of Syndesmos. Where possible, the committee is presided by an elected Syndesmos officer. Non-members may also participate as observers in these committees. The " Syndesmos Committee" may be legally registered according to local laws. The members of the local " Syndesmos Committee" are legally and financially responsible for all its operations.

3/ The Board encourages the members to cooperate together on a regional level, and defines the Syndesmos Regions together with the delegates in the case of need.

Article 16 – Finances

The financial year of Syndesmos begins on 1st January of each year.

1/ The Board adopts an annual Budget presented by the Executive Committee each year.

2/ All Affiliated, Federated and Associated  members are expected to contribute annually a proportionate share of this budget, as decided by the Board of Administration.

3/ Individual donors and contributors are considered "Friends of Syndesmos ".

4/ No money shall be paid unless it complies with the objectives of Syndesmos.

5/ The book keeping of Syndesmos should follow generally accepted accounting principles and should be audited annually by an external auditor.


Article 17 - Bylaws
1/ The General Assembly may adopt a practical interpretation of the Constitution in the form of Bylaws.

2/ At each General Assembly the Board can propose changes in the Bylaws for adoption by the General Assembly.

Article 18 - Amendments & Translations

1/ Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws shall require for their adoption a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at that General Assembly.

2/ Constitutional amendments proposed by the Board, or by members, shall be mailed to all members by the General Secretariat no later than two months before the General Assembly. Amendments proposed by 1/10 of the voting members present at the General Assembly shall be accepted in the agenda of the General Assembly.

3/ Amendments will go into effect upon adoption.

4/ The Board may approve translations of the Constitution and Bylaws into other languages. In the case of dispute, the English language version takes precedence.

Adopted by the X General Assembly

Valamo Monastery, Finland, August 1980

Amended by the XII General Assembly

Effingham, England, August 1986

Amended by the XIV General Assembly

Moscow, Russia, June 1992.

Revised and amended by the XV General Assembly

Kykko Monastery, Cyprus, September 1995.

Amended by the XVII General Assembly

Resurrection of Christ Theological Academy,

Durres, Albania July 2003

Amended by the XVIII General Assembly

Athens, Greece, February 2009